Friday, May 17

Tops 8 Ways to Improve Your Resume

Do you need a comprehensive guide to help you with your job search?

Searching for a job can be stressful and even discouraging. While plenty of employers nowadays allow people to apply using online portals, lots of jobs still ask you to email your resume in.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your resume so you can land a job, it’s very helpful to learn from the experiences of others. We have you covered!

With this article, we’ll be listing the top ways you can improve your resume. By doing so, you’ll have this edge over the competition. Read on to learn more!

1. Use Bullet Points

Using bullet points on a resume is a powerful way to highlight your skills, education, and work experience. It can make a resume look organized and clean.

When using them, keep them concise and to the point. Do not make them too long or drawn out.

Additionally, it is significant that the bullet points you write are related to the position you are applying for. Also, you can use them to highlight specialized professional knowledge and skills. It is vital to choose the words carefully and keep them clear.

2. Aim for Strong Verbs

Use strong verbs when describing your experience. Instead of listing your responsibilities, highlight what you achieved in each role.

For example, did you “manage” a team, or did you “mentor” and “develop” a team? Focus on results and metrics.

If you increased sales by 20%, include that number. Or if you improved customer satisfaction ratings, add those numbers.

Don’t use jargon or technical language that a hiring manager might not understand. Use straightforward language to make your accomplishments and skills easy to understand.

3. Customize Your Resume

Customize your resume for each job you apply for. By tailoring your resume to fit the specific job requirements, you’re more likely to get called in for an interview. This can be a time-consuming process, but it is worth it.

Hiring managers can tell when a resume is not tailored to their specific job and reflects poorly on the applicant.

4. Proofread Your Resume Carefully

When sending your resume to potential employers, you want to make sure that you proofread it carefully before doing so. Read your resume aloud to yourself or have someone else read it to you. This can help catch any errors you may have missed when looking at it yourself.

Print out your resume and use a ruler or highlighter to mark any mistakes. This can help you catch errors that you otherwise may have skimmed over.

Use the spelling and grammar checker feature on your computer to help identify any mistakes.

5. Focus On Making the Layout Clear

When improving your resume, it is necessary to focus on making the layout clear and concise. This means you should use simple words and sentences and try not to cram too much information into one page.

You also want to be sure that the font is easy to read and that there is enough white space on the page. So it does not look cluttered.

It can be tempting to add much extra information or make your resume stand out with creative formatting, but this will only make it harder to read and decrease the chances that an employer will take the time to review it.

6. Include Only Relevant Information

If you want your resume to be read and taken seriously, it is crucial that you only include relevant information and remove any filler content. This includes anything not related to the position you are applying for or not essential to your qualifications. These can contain personal interests, hobbies, and irrelevant work experience.

In relevant information, be sure to insert only the most essential details. For example, if you are listing your work experience, don’t include every single job you’ve ever had. Instead, focus on the positions most closely related to the job you are applying for.

If unsure, consider what skills and experience make you the best candidate for the position.

7. Make Sure a Maximum of Two Pages

No matter how great your qualifications are, if your resume is over two pages long, chances are it will end up in the trash. Hiring managers don’t have the time or patience to wade through pages and pages of information.

So, if you want to improve your chances of getting your foot in the door, your resume is a maximum of two pages.

8. Use a Professional Sounding Email Address

Using a professional-sounding email address means using an email address associated with your name rather than a generic one. For example, if your name is John Smith, you want to use an email address such as

Using this will show potential employers that you are a serious and professional job seeker.

Improve Your Resume Today With These Tips

If you’re looking to improve your resume, there are a few key ways you can do so. Use bullet points and strong verbs, customize your resume for each job, proofread it carefully, focus on making the layout clear, include only relevant information with a maximum of two pages, and use a professional email address.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your resume is the best and that you are more likely to get the job you want.

Do you need more tips? Search through our website and find plenty to help you.

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