Sunday, May 5

Should You Follow Up After an Interview?

An interview is one of the best ways to get ahead in your career, but not all interviews are created equal. Interviews are exciting, nerve-wracking, and stressful. After every interview, it doesn’t help that you wonder if you did the job well enough or if they hated you. So, should you follow up after the interview?

Following Up After an Interview: Should I Do It or Not?

That is a question that is plaguing many a job candidate, and it’s one that is not easy to answer. Many believe that a job candidate should follow up after an interview, but then there are those who feel that it is a sign of desperation. There are arguments on both sides, and it is difficult to decide.

Well, the answer depends on your job and company. For example, the person answering the phone at a call center probably doesn’t need to be bothered, but if you’re interviewing for a job at a newspaper or magazine, one follow-up e-mail is fine.

The number of people who contact their new employers to say thanks and set up follow-up meetings is astonishing. It’s not a bad thing, of course—it’s a sign that you made a good impression and have a good reason to be seen again. But with all the noise, how can you be sure you’re the one receiving return calls? By understanding the purpose and form of feedback, you can avoid the potential pitfall of sending a thank you note that has no follow-up.

When Is The Best Time To Send The Following-Up E-mail?

You’ve just landed an interview, and you’re grateful that you got it. Now the moment to follow up has come, but not many people know exactly how long it should be before you follow up.

If you’re a job candidate, who’s applied for multiple positions but isn’t sure when to follow up on your application, it’s time to get better organized. In general, it’s always a good idea to follow up with potential employers within seven days of their initial contact.

A small study looked at how long to follow up with an interviewer who granted an interview and found that those who followed up within one week of the interview were more likely to get an invitation for a second interview than those who waited for three weeks or more. The length of this period varies depending on the type of position you’re applying for.

Other Ways to Follow Up After an Interview

When it comes to following up after an interview, there are a number of methods you can use. Aside from sending one follow up e-mail, here are other ways to follow up after a job interview:

Send a generic thank-you e-mail – You should send them a quick e-mail thanking them for their time interviewing you. Mention one specific thing about the interview or what you learned about their organization as one of the ways to follow up after a job interview.

Writing “the exception” e-mail – This is not a new idea, but it is one of the most powerful ways to follow up and really learn if you want an offer. If you are offered a job by someone else, you can let them know that you are now interviewing with them. This is a powerful way to put you in a position to really consider them. It also allows you to show them your interest without them feeling like you are pushy. Another reason to do this is to counter-offer if you get an offer from the other company. This lets you send your counter-offer before you even hear back from the other company.

Request for a “feedback” e-mail – If your job interview went well, but you weren’t offered the position, you may be surprised at the next step—asking for feedback. This is one of the least popular parts of the job search process, but there are some benefits to reaching out to the company. If the interview goes well, it’s a good idea to follow up with a note or e-mail expressing your thanks. But what if you don’t get the job? Do you follow up? If the interviewer offered feedback or gave you some other reason to follow up, you can send one additional note to ask for feedback on the interview as one of the ways to follow up after a job interview.

It’s common sense to follow up after a job interview. There’s a good chance you didn’t get the job, but don’t freak out. Take the time to send a note to the hiring manager after the interview request. This note should be short, sweet, and to the point. It should also include the right format for sending the note, which should be a follow-up e-mail.

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